
Building a Youth Project in 6 Steps

A brief guide on establishing a program for youth, in which youth take the initiative to suggest the program content, lay its foundations and enforce it. The guide is followed by 6 interrelated steps classified in a logical sequence.

A study about legislations and policies and their effects on children and youth

This study deals with Lebanese legislation related to or affecting mental health among the population in general, and among children and youth in particular. It is the first of a series of studies which the ARC's Mental Health Program is working on publishing, within a regional partnership.

A Study of Legislations and Policies and their Impact on Children and Youth

This study aimed to shed light on a number of Egyptian policies and legislations, in order to explore the extent of their impact on the mental health of individuals and to identify their weaknesses and shortcomings from a rights perspective.

A Study of Legislations and Policies and their Impact on Children and Youth

This study addresses the Palestinian legislations related to mental health or affecting it, among the population in general and youth in particular. The concept of "mental health", in its positive or modern developmental sense, expresses greater sensitivity to human rights and needs.

Report of a regional workshop on approaches to reproductive health in the Arab world

It focused on developing material for the media, and included the presentation of experiences and resources. The workshop was convened jointly by ARC and the Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins University.
