
Report of a regional workshop convened in July 1998 on inclusive approaches in early childhood programmes.

(Arabic: 51p. 21x29.5 cm. – English: 26p)

An illustrated story of a disabled girl who is locked away and mistreated by her sisters and stepmother
An illustrated story of a disabled girl who is locked away and mistreated by her sisters and stepmother. The famous story of “Cinderella” adapted to develop positive attitudes towards people with disabilities and their integration into the community. 1997.

(32 p. $2).

Drug and Health trade in the developping world

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Concepts and activities for children between 3 and 6 years old

The first collection consists of 11 chapters dealing with independent and correlated topics in the context of the holistic integrated approach for early childhood care and development. Each chapter starts with a definition of theoretical concepts related to the topic of the chapter. The definition is followed by a translation of these concepts into learning objectives to be achieved by the teacher with the children through activities. The suggested activities in every chapter are samples that serve as a guide for the teacher and that can be modified – if need be – in order to fit the particularity of the environment, the age group, as well as the availability of resources and materials.
