

This book is an attempt to make children visible in an area where they are not normally seen or heard, namely in macroeconomics. No economic policies are “child neutral”. The book discusses the impact of general development strategies and macroeconomic policies on the lives of children. An introduction and a glossary have been added in the Arabic edition.

(Published with Save the Children - Sweden, 112 p. 14.8x21 $5).


This study deals with Lebanese legislation related to or affecting mental health among the population in general, and among children and youth in particular. It is the first of a series of studies which the ARC's Mental Health Program is working on publishing, within a regional partnership.


This study aimed to shed light on a number of Egyptian policies and legislations, in order to explore the extent of their impact on the mental health of individuals and to identify their weaknesses and shortcomings from a rights perspective. Thus, the study intends to contribute to efforts which advocate and call for meeting the right to mental health, by identifying the difficulties and obstacles which need to be modified and developed.

(97 pages; 5$) 


This study addresses the Palestinian legislations related to mental health or affecting it, among the population in general and youth in particular. The concept of "mental health", in its positive or modern developmental sense, expresses greater sensitivity to human rights and needs. It is increasingly present in the concepts of the international human rights discourse, mainly the right to self-development, respect of human dignity and child's best interest.


The Hesperian Foundation, 1999

This resource can help people to understand, treat and prevent many of the health problems that affect women. This Arabic edition was revised and adapted by a team of health and social workers. Coordinated by Dr. May Haddad and Dr. Ghassan Issa. Published by the Arab Reource Collective with Alfurat for Publishing and Distribution.

(58420x28 cm $20)


A practical guide that aims to provide health and social workers as well as parents with necessary knowledge to deal with mental health issues and achieve positive mental health for all. It provides the reader with basic knowledge that helps him understand mental disorders, and around 30 mental health problems. It uses the "problem solving" approach to guide readers on how to identify, evaluate and deal with these problems.


The kit includes:
Mental Health for Young Men & Women
Introduction to Psycho-Social Booklets, Youth & Healthy Living PacK


The four booklets aim to shed light on the rights of adolescents, promote their abilities to claim them and translate them into reality and knowledge, thus providing them with trust, comfort and learning required for successful education and employment.


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