24 Stories
1.Dirty Water : Two boys discover the dangers of dirty water. 1990. (31 p.)
2.My Little Brother Walks: A boy helps his younger brother to walk, talk, play, etc. Revised edition, 2000. (47 p.)
3.I Can Do It Too: Three disabled children adapt, learn and play with the help of their friends. Reprint, 2000. (47 p.)
4.Diseases Defeated: Children promote immunisation against the “gang” of six killer diseases. 1991. (32 p.)
5.Down With Fever: A young girl, looking after her younger brothers and sisters, learns about the dangers of fever and pneumonia and how to deal with them. 1991. (32 p.)
6.A Simple Cure: The use of Oral Rehydration Solution in combating the dangers of dehydration from diarrhoea. 1992. (48 p.)
7.Flies: Children help in controlling the health hazards caused by flies. 1992. (48 p.)
8.Good Food: Two young friends learn about the importance of a balanced nutrition for health and growth, and discover ways of promoting good food in their homes. 1992. (32 p.)
(All stories are illustrated. 24 x 27 cm. $2 each)
9. The Old King and His Son's Little Fiancée A story on infant nutrition (33 p.) – 2007
10.Fati Isn’t Sad Anymore story on disabled children's health and life (34 p.) – 2007
11.The Hare's Revenge A story on clean wells (34 p.) – 2007
12.The Misfortunes of Mrs Hersent A story on sexual education (18 p.) – 2007
13.The Mountain of Dwarves A story on iodine deficiency (24 p.) – 2007
14.Cholera Crisis A story of the role of children in fighting cholera (42 p.) - 2007
15.Haha Family A story on domestic accidents (31 p.) – 2007
16.The Young Man and The Dragon A story on parasitic worms (50 p.) – 2007
17. Uncle Jamil A story on infant nutrition (34 p.) – 2007
18.A Toothy Story A story on dental care (20 p.) – 2007
19. Clever Soroja A story on diarrhea and dehydration (20 p.) – 2007
20..Attack A story on building and maintaining health (21 p.) – 2007
21.The Red Wig A story on lice (34 p.) - 2007
22..Bad Habits A story on smoking and other bad habits (34 p.) – 2007
23. Old Chicken Eyes A story on vitamin A (33 p.) – 2007
24.The Lion Has Fever A story about burning fever (21 p.) – 2007
- Most of the stories are followed by an annex with more information on the health problem and exercises. www.mawared.org publishes all stories on the "Child-To-Child" program webpage